Modesta BC05

Modesta BC05 – Porsche GT4
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta Perthpaint protectionPaint protection PerthThis is the second car this client had us install Modesta paint protection cause’s a happy customer of Modesta products and our workmanship. Glass coating encases your car in a shield of extremely durable and hard glass. We import liquid glass coating products from Japan, which are one of the best glass coating liquids available […]

Paint Protection Perth – Long life protection – Modesta
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta bc06modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta WAmodesta western australianew car paint protectionPaint protection PerthPaint Protection Perth – Long life protection BC-05 Advanced Water-repellent Glass Coating Modesta BC-05 is a unique glass coating based on a three-dimensional molecular frame. It forms a highly durable clear hard glass layer on automotive paints. BC-05 produces a deep shine and helps to protect the paint from all kinds of damage including wash-induced damages, […]

New Car Protection – AMG ML63
tagged: AMGAutoFX WAcar detailerCar detailing perthCar Detailing Perth reviewCar Detailing Reviewcar polishingCrystal Rockfabric protectionluxury car detailingMercedesmercedes benzML63mobile car detailingModesta BC05paint correctionpaint protectionPaint protection PerthReviews of Des Wong at AutoFX WAsports car detailerswissvax car detailingModesta BC05 was applied to Tim and Hannah’s brand new 2014 ML63 to the paint and the wheels for easier cleaning. Modesta adds a candy like shine with a durable coating that could last as long as 3 years. The fabric on the interior was treated with Swissvax Lotos, whilst the leather was conditioned with […]