new car paint protection

tagged: 3m ppfcar paint protectioncar paint protection filmceramic coatingnew car paint protectionop1optix ceramic coatingoptix nanoPPFstek ppfA long video walk around of the R33 GTR after installing paint protection film The R 33 GTR had clear self healing film installed from top to bottom. The GTR had an entire restoration done prior to coming into us for the protection film installation. The process started with a meet and great with […]

Stinger GT – Correction & OPTiX Ceramic Coating OP888
tagged: car detailerCar detailing perthcar polishingceramic coatingglass coatingnew car paint protectionnew car protectionop888optixoptix nanooptix nano technologiespaint protection filmPaint protection Perthswissvax car detailingPaint Correction & OPTiX Ceramic Coating OP888 Brand new KIA Stinger came in straight from the dealership by the owner. We found a paint correction via machine polishing to get rid of the scratches and swirls found in the paint work not removed prior to delivery. The job became an 8 hour paint correction costing […]

2018 OPTIX NANO prices
tagged: auto protection filmAutoFX WAcar care productsnew car paint protectionoptixoptix nano technologiespaint protection2018 prices includes supply and application OP888 V2 – Japanese Ceramic $660 (3yrs +/-) 2 x OP888 layers ➕ 1 x Nano coat is applied. OP1 Hybrid V2 – Japanese Ceramic $880 (5yrs +/-) 1 x OP888 priming layer ➕ 1 x OP1 3-Dimensional layer ➕ 1 x Nano sealant coat. OP-D V2 – Japanese […]

Focus RS – SunTek Paint Protection Film
tagged: car paint protectionnew car paint protectionpaint protectionpaint protection filmPaint protection PerthPPFSunTekSunTek Paint Protection Film Des & Janice applying SunTek brand of paint protection film onto this brand new Ford Focus RS for Scott. Advantages of PPF Provides invisible protection from damage caused by rocks, stones, insects and other road debris. A proprietary self healing top coat that is scratch and crack resistant with a high […]

A little about OPTIX New Car Paint Protection – 2017 Mercedes-Benz E350 $120k car
tagged: 2017 Mercedes E350E350Mercedesmercedes benznew car paint protectionnew car protectionoptixpaint protectionA little about OPTIX New Car Paint Protection – 2017 Mercedes-Benz E350. If you have purchased a new car and worried about which paint protection to buy? Then let me introduce you to OPTIX NANO TECHNOLOGIES. $20k cars and $100k cars share the same benefits in OPTIX new car paint protection glass coatings. We have a […]

Stone chip touch up tips – Ferrari 458 SP
tagged: new car paint protectionoptixpaint protection filmPPFrock chipstone chip repairsstone chipppingSunTektouch up stone chipStone chip touch up tips. Multiple layers of thin touch up paint is one step in the successful process of stone chip touch ups. Thinning out your paint helps to self level and reduce overfilling the chip. If you hate stone chips then save up and have your vehicle protected by installing SUNTEK Paint protection […]

Paint Protection Perth – Long life protection – Modesta
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta bc06modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta WAmodesta western australianew car paint protectionPaint protection PerthPaint Protection Perth – Long life protection BC-05 Advanced Water-repellent Glass Coating Modesta BC-05 is a unique glass coating based on a three-dimensional molecular frame. It forms a highly durable clear hard glass layer on automotive paints. BC-05 produces a deep shine and helps to protect the paint from all kinds of damage including wash-induced damages, […]