1989 Porsche 911- Correction Coating- leather dye
tagged: AutoFX WAcar detailerceramic coat porsche 911paint correctionpaint protectionporsche 911 detailing ceramic coating30-11-2024 Detail, Polish, Protection, Leather dying, interior detail, interior protection 1989 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2

Business award within City of Fremantle
tagged: AutoFX WAbusiness award 2024Thank you and this was really an unexpected surprise 😮 🙌👍🙏

Toyota Fortuner PPF sides and bonnet
tagged: AutoFX WAceramiccoatingoptix nanopaint protection filmpaint protection wraptoyota fortuner paint protectionDon’s new Toyota Fortuner had the sides and the bonnet protected with OPTiX P20 Nano clear self healing film applied. The door handles were removed for a perfect seamless fit. Bonnet was $550 which includes removing the bonnet protector strips then applying the OPTIX P20 Nano film over the entire bonnet. The edges were tucked […]

OPTiX Detailing Aventador SV
tagged: AutoFX WAcar detailercar detailingCar detailing perthoptix alcantara cleaningoptix interior cleaneroptix micro suedeoptix pink stuffA quick video of the Aventador SV being cleaned with a couple OPTiX products Removed a light stain in the micro-suede, marks from the leather. OPTiX has proven results on exotic and luxury vehicles, Australian owned and many products made here in Perth WA. Detailing in a world of high end cars, show cars and […]

tagged: Authorised SWISSVAX DETAILERAutoFX WAcar detailercar detailingoptixpaint correctionpaint protection filmSWISSVAX certified detailerDes from AutoFX WA (Perth WA) was flown over to Sydney as part of the SWISSVAX Australia sponsorship and to detail cars entered into the event. This event is a once in lifetime opportunity for any car detailer. Hats off to Terry (SWISSVAX AUSTRALIA & NZ) for his efforts in making this happen for SWISSVAX […]

AUTOFX WA’s New Location – Yes we have moved (August 2020)
tagged: auto protection filmautofxautofx car careautofx car care productsautofx ceramic coatingautofx paint protection filmautofx swissvaxAutoFX WAautofx wa guard rollingautofx wa optix nanoautofxwaAUTOFX WA has relocated to O’CONNOR We are now situated between South Street, Leach Hwy, Stock Rd & Carrington St. We are 10 minutes from Fremantle, Myaree, Ardross, Rossmoyne, Bibra Lake. 15 minutes from Cottesloe, Shelley, Atwell,

GOLF R – Caliper colour change & Guard Roll
tagged: autofx car careAutoFX WACaliper painting servicecar detailers perthcar polishingceramic coatingguard rolling perthoptix nanopaint correctionpaint protectionCaliper Painting Service with New Logos The Golf R was given a new more sportier look by changing the colour of the brake calipers from black to red, cause red goes faster haha. We also rolled the front guards to accommodate the wider wheels. For more about guard rolling/fender rolling in Perth click here For […]

How to wash your car – 2 Bucket Method
tagged: 2 bucket methodautofx car careautofx car care productsAutoFX WAceramic coatingchemical guysgrit guardhow to washhow to wash my new carnew car care productsoptix nanooptix shampoopaint protectionwash boardHow to wash your car part 1, The 2 Bucket Method Do this to Stop or reduce installing swirls and scratches from washing Reduce costs of further paint correction & detailing costs and or time lost Keep the shine & lustre for longer Ensure your favourite wax, sealant or coating lasts longer So […]

Suspension & guard rolling
tagged: AutoFX WAguard rollerguard rolling canning valeSuspension setups are as important as the quality of suspension parts. The suspension setup also is important for the clearance you may or may not need and therefore has a direct link to guard rolling and how much a guard has been rolled and vice versa. People often think that guard rolling is 100% of […]