Paint protection Perth

Aaron’s Daily WRX
tagged: car detailingCar detailing perthoptixpaint correctionpaint protectionPaint protection PerthAaron had his WRX coated a couple of times over the past 7 years, both OPTiX & other very large USA brand name coating that won sema award boosting amazing performance claims. Both of these products probably lasted around 3 years each. Now back for the second time but this time with us here and […]

Stinger GT – Correction & OPTiX Ceramic Coating OP888
tagged: car detailerCar detailing perthcar polishingceramic coatingglass coatingnew car paint protectionnew car protectionop888optixoptix nanooptix nano technologiespaint protection filmPaint protection Perthswissvax car detailingPaint Correction & OPTiX Ceramic Coating OP888 Brand new KIA Stinger came in straight from the dealership by the owner. We found a paint correction via machine polishing to get rid of the scratches and swirls found in the paint work not removed prior to delivery. The job became an 8 hour paint correction costing […]

Focus RS – SunTek Paint Protection Film
tagged: car paint protectionnew car paint protectionpaint protectionpaint protection filmPaint protection PerthPPFSunTekSunTek Paint Protection Film Des & Janice applying SunTek brand of paint protection film onto this brand new Ford Focus RS for Scott. Advantages of PPF Provides invisible protection from damage caused by rocks, stones, insects and other road debris. A proprietary self healing top coat that is scratch and crack resistant with a high […]

Modesta BC05 – Porsche GT4
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta Perthpaint protectionPaint protection PerthThis is the second car this client had us install Modesta paint protection cause’s a happy customer of Modesta products and our workmanship. Glass coating encases your car in a shield of extremely durable and hard glass. We import liquid glass coating products from Japan, which are one of the best glass coating liquids available […]

Gallardo with Black Light – Car Detailing Perth
tagged: black lightcar detailers perthcar detailingChemical Guys Western Australiapaint correctionPaint protection PerthThe wet gloss reflecting the blinding shine of the sunlight from the application of Chemical Guys Black Light. During our day detailing cars around Perth today I used Chemical Guys Black Light. Blacklight offers a deep wet gloss as well it adds protection. Most enthusiasts prefer to seal the paint before applying a wax. Some […]

Paint Protection Perth – Long life protection – Modesta
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta bc06modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta WAmodesta western australianew car paint protectionPaint protection PerthPaint Protection Perth – Long life protection BC-05 Advanced Water-repellent Glass Coating Modesta BC-05 is a unique glass coating based on a three-dimensional molecular frame. It forms a highly durable clear hard glass layer on automotive paints. BC-05 produces a deep shine and helps to protect the paint from all kinds of damage including wash-induced damages, […]

Paint Protection – Triple8 – Ferrari SP
tagged: detailing centreModestapaint protectionPaint protection PerthTriple8 coatingsFerrari SP paint protection using Triple8 glass coating The video demonstrates the really cool water properties of the coating. We perform the our coating installations at our Detailing Centre WA, Blaikie Street Myaree We also use products such as Modesta, Chemical Guys and Swissvax and may even venture into Zymol in the future. Triple8 Coatings […]

Audi S1 – Paint Protection Perth
tagged: detailing centre of perthmodesta Australiapaint protectionPaint protection Perthperth car detailerTriple8 coatingstriple8 paint protectionPaint Protection Perth by Ryan Jones – Audi S1 Ryan Jones partner of AutoFX WA trading as AutoFXD performs our own private label of Triple8 paint protection coating. Such a cute and pretty cool sporty hatch from Audi that goes like the clappers. We just love the colour combination 🙂 Thanks Tony and his wife. […]

RR Phantom I Swirls Comparison – Paint Correction
tagged: car detailercar detailer reviewsCar detailing perthcar polishing perthhow to polish a rolls roycePaint protection Perthperth's finest car detailersrolls royce detailingRolls Royce PhantomTriple8 coatingsRR Phantom I Swirls Comparison, paint correction, paint protection Polishing a Rolls Royce Phantom is something that should be done with some serious commitment. Ryan Jones and Des Wong take their job seriously when booking these types of jobs because they have many years of experience in this area of expertise. Paint Correction is also […]