
VZ Rear Guard Rolling in 2 stages
tagged: autofx wa guard rollingGuard rollingguard rolling perthholden ss utevz ss ute guard rolling perthVZ Rear Guard Rolling in 2 stages In this video we show you the difference between a stage 1 guard roll on the rears of this VZ ute and a 2 stage roll. The Holden Commodore including the wagons, statesman, coupes and utes between VT to VZ will ALL have this option for […]

Ford XR6 Sprint front bumper PPF
tagged: ford xr6 sprint ppfpaint protection filmPPFuppfThis Ford XR Sprint came in for a paint correction and ceramic coating. The owner added PPF for the bonnet and the front bumper. The job was done as a bulk fit being no patterns are available. Being that bulk fitting is our specialty we took on the challenge. We used the UPPF UPRO which […]

PPF care with OPTiX
OPTiX Final Boost is great for wet washing to create the hydrophobic effect of your PPF to increase the hydrophobic effects and shine considerably. There’s no need for coating it like paint. Crystallising coatings tend to break down too fast on PPF. There only reason your film actually needs coating is when it is of […]

OPTiX / UPPF Paint Protection Films sales and training
tagged: black self healing filmclear braclear filmclear paint protection filmcoloured paint protection filmgyeon paint protection filmpaint protection filmPPFred self healing filmself healing filmstekSunTekuppfwhite self healing paintPaint Protection Film, Headlight Film, Coloured PPF for OPTiX UPPF is the leading manufacturer in China that private labels custom films for some of the biggest most known premium brands in the world today. There are many other smaller players who buy custom direct and remarket films made by UPPF. UPPF films that are produced […]