
Modesta BC05 – Porsche GT4
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta Perthpaint protectionPaint protection PerthThis is the second car this client had us install Modesta paint protection cause’s a happy customer of Modesta products and our workmanship. Glass coating encases your car in a shield of extremely durable and hard glass. We import liquid glass coating products from Japan, which are one of the best glass coating liquids available […]

Paint Protection Perth – Long life protection – Modesta
tagged: Modestamodesta AustraliaModesta BC05modesta bc06modesta glass coatingmodesta paint protectionModesta WAmodesta western australianew car paint protectionPaint protection PerthPaint Protection Perth – Long life protection BC-05 Advanced Water-repellent Glass Coating Modesta BC-05 is a unique glass coating based on a three-dimensional molecular frame. It forms a highly durable clear hard glass layer on automotive paints. BC-05 produces a deep shine and helps to protect the paint from all kinds of damage including wash-induced damages, […]

Paint Protection – Triple8 – Ferrari SP
tagged: detailing centreModestapaint protectionPaint protection PerthTriple8 coatingsFerrari SP paint protection using Triple8 glass coating The video demonstrates the really cool water properties of the coating. We perform the our coating installations at our Detailing Centre WA, Blaikie Street Myaree We also use products such as Modesta, Chemical Guys and Swissvax and may even venture into Zymol in the future. Triple8 Coatings […]

Paint Protection – Ferrari 458 – Video
tagged: 458 ItaliaAutoFX WAcar detailingCar detailing perthcar polishingCrystal Rockferrariluxury car detailingModestapaint correctionpaint protectionPaint protection PerthPaint Protection ReviewsReviews of Des Wong at AutoFX WAsports car detailerswissvax car detailingModesta BC05 Paint Protection package being performed by Des Wong of AUTOFX WA the car detailing specialist of Perth Western Australia. Paint Protection helps to protect your car’s paint from minor

Paint Protection – AMG A45
tagged: Modestapaint protectionPaint protection PerthMercedes Benz AMG A45 It started with a 2 stage polish with Swissvax medium and finish. Application of Silica based protection is applied then smoothed out to high- glossed finish. After the application has cured correctly, the surface will be protected and so much easier to clean for years to come. Thank you William for […]