Guard rolling

VZ Rear Guard Rolling in 2 stages
tagged: autofx wa guard rollingGuard rollingguard rolling perthholden ss utevz ss ute guard rolling perthVZ Rear Guard Rolling in 2 stages In this video we show you the difference between a stage 1 guard roll on the rears of this VZ ute and a 2 stage roll. The Holden Commodore including the wagons, statesman, coupes and utes between VT to VZ will ALL have this option for […]

Pros and cons to rolling over wide body kits
tagged: Guard rollingover fendersQ. Is there pros and cons to rolling over wide body kits over rolling guards on a R33 Coupe? A. In short if the the tyres are going to rub on the guards/fenders then it will do that whether or not you have over fenders installed. Any rubbing causes damage to the panel and the […]

67 Camaro Rear Guards rolled
tagged: camaro guard rollingfender rollingGuard rollingguard rolling perth67 Camaro rear guards rolled Garry called us when he found our website to book in his 67 Camaro to has the rear guards rolled. He had just put on some nice new wheels wrapped in some fat boots. Garry reversed out his driveway and the new tyres rubbed on the way down the driveway. […]

335i rear guards – watch our process
tagged: fender rolling guard roller in perthfender rolling perthGuard rollingguard rolling perthhow to roll guardsBMW 335i Rear Guard rolling watch our process We have rolled heaps of BMWs in Perth. We have so much experience with rolling guards and we have heaps of experience in BMW guards. Have you got seam sealer that needs removing in your rear guards? see how much needs to be removed in the video. […]

A growing team
tagged: car detailercar detailingceramic coatingchemical guysGuard rollingoptixpaint corectionpaint protectionpaint protection filmPPFrupesswissaxvinyl wrappingWhat’s new about AutoFX WA. Like every footy team, a detailing team needs junior players and senior players. I Des owner of AUTOFX WA is proud to announce we are building a great team. Yes above is not the real pic of Des, it’s just for a giggle. We have had many apply for […]

Guard Rolling – Maserati
tagged: fender rollingGuard rollingguard rolling perthGuard Rolling – Maserati Here’s a Maserati we rolld the guards on for both rears and the driver’s side front. Some minor paint damage was visible due to a previous attempt by the owner although touching up damage is not part of guard rolling we do try to help out and in this case […]

Ford ute rear guard rolling??? FAQ
tagged: Au guarf rollingBF guard rollingFG guard rollingFORD ute guard rollingGuard rollingEverything you need to know about guard rolling on Ford utes from AUs to FGs. Here is a typical FAQ from Ford owners wanting to find someone to roll the rear guards on ute from a AU, BA, BF and FG model. Q. Hey mate do you so guard rolling ? I have a fg falcon […]

Guard Rolling Perth – Ferrari
tagged: Guard rollingguard rolling perthGuard Rolling by Des Wong The Modena 360 required the front Guards to be rolled. Guard Rolling can effectively stop unwanted damage to both the body and the tyres. Heating the paint reduces the paint damage but does not stop it by itself, the handling of the metal greatly impacts to the stress of the […]

Guard Rolling – BMW 335i
tagged: Guard rollingguard rolling perthGuard Rolling Perth – BMW 335i to accommodate the larger wheels and tyres. To roll the rear guards of the BMW E92 I started off by rolling back the fabric liner exposing the seam sealer that is inside the “V” shaped rear guard or lip area. Very carefully making about 50 slices with a very […]