OPTiX / UPPF Headlight Protective Film
tagged: car headlight protectionheadlight filmppf for headlightsTom’s Colorado although fairly new came in for self healing protective film for his headlights because he wanted to protect them from aging too fast. He decided for the H50 Headlight Film which is a light smoke tinted film. Below is the spec sheet on both H25 & H50 (both are the same) […]

PPF Bonnet Vent Cutting – HSV
tagged: applying PPFpaint protectionpaint protection filmInstalling PPF on bonnets are straight forward most of the time except where there are vents and other shapes. Getting the material down high tension areas are always a challenge with PPF due to the natural properties of PPF being extremely tough. Here we have chosen UPPF P20 film because of it’s stealthier edges, higher […]

Protection treatments for daily vehicle
Can you let me know what treatments are available and the pricing? So you have bought a normal daily vehicle that isn’t a sports car that is new or near new and you want to look after your things by keeping things well maintained. You like your daily vehicle to be treated like it was […]

New Ducati Coating with OPTiX – AutoFX WA
Ducati Streetfighter V4S Li’s brand new Ducati Streetfighter 4S came in for a coating that would lat longer than waxing. He decided to try OPTiX through here at AutoFX WA. Des cleaned most of the lower sections with OPTiX APC like wheels, frame, arms from dust to chain oil. The rest of the bike […]

Remove door handles 200 series
The video helps others get a quick verbal overview of about removing door handles on a 200 series cruiser for the purposes of wrapping in uppf or suntek paint protection film. We had already removed and refit the handle and trim as well as already installed the PPF on the door.

What protection should I buy?
Hi AutoFX WA, I have just bought/ordered a new car and wanted to know what paint protection should I buy? We get these sorts of questions all the time. What is the ultimate package? what combinations should I go for? Below offers some facts without any agendas from a sales point of view and offers […]

OPTiX PPF-MAX Self-Healing with water
tagged: audi tt paint protectionceramic coatingpaint protection filmPPFself healing filmuppfuproPaint Protection Film UPPF UPRO self-healing with water Watch how scratches disappear with hot water. The heat from the hot water activates the self-healing from the top coat of the PPF. The Audi TT was completely covered in UPRO a thick clear gloss enhancing self healing protective film costing $5500 and taking just over 10 […]

A45 now protected with UPPF UPRO a thick 245 microns self healing. Ultra high clarity and the best non yellowing product in the world. UPRO comes with a 10 year manufacturer warranty. UPRO is the easiest residue cleanup when removal is required.

Maclaren MP4 12C 50th Anniversary #1 of 50
tagged: maclaren ceramic coatingmaclaren ppfoptix op1OPTIX OP888uppfUPPF P20MP4 12C 50th number 1 of 50 in the world The Maclaren came in for a detail, a paint correction before coating with OPTiX OP1 Hybrid which consists of the OP888 base coat and OP1 top layer. We removed the factory PPF from the lower sections of the doors and then hand made patterns before […]