car polishing perth

RR Phantom I Swirls Comparison – Paint Correction
tagged: car detailercar detailer reviewsCar detailing perthcar polishing perthhow to polish a rolls roycePaint protection Perthperth's finest car detailersrolls royce detailingRolls Royce PhantomTriple8 coatingsRR Phantom I Swirls Comparison, paint correction, paint protection Polishing a Rolls Royce Phantom is something that should be done with some serious commitment. Ryan Jones and Des Wong take their job seriously when booking these types of jobs because they have many years of experience in this area of expertise. Paint Correction is also […]

Paint Correction & Paint Protection – Porsche GT2
tagged: AutoFX WAcar detailingCar detailing perthcar polishingcar polishing perthluxury car detailingpaint correctionPaint Protection ReviewsPorscheporsche GT2Reviews of Des Wong at AutoFX WAsports car detailerTriple8Cameron’s Porsche GT2 – Paint Correction & Protection The Porsche came in with usual swirls and scratches so this means the car is far from being at its best shape. The car needs a lot of polishing to the finest level known by it’s technical detailing term ‘paint correction’. After performing 6 hours […]

Full Car Detail + Engine + Crystal Rock – AMG C63 (Video)
tagged: AMGAutoFX WAC63Car detailing perthcar polishing perthCrystal Rockluxury car detailingmercedes benzmobile car detailingPaint protection PerthReviews of Des Wong at AutoFX WAsports car detailerswissvax car detailingThis Medium Level Detail has the wax option upgraded to Crystal Rock. The level of detailing is the same as a Premium Detail except less polishing. The Medium Level Detail is suited to a new car or a car that is in very good condition. The Engine Bay Detail is an option. This particular owner […]